Products & Construction

Each of my products is cut from local, legally harvested, fur pelts. The fur has simply been tanned; no dye has been added to alter the fur's natural color, nor has it been trimmed. A single pelt is tailored to the curve of the head and the fur pieces arranged so you can stroke it with the nap. A fabric lining is then sewn inside for comfort.

Skunk headband

Skunk headband


Headbands are sized specifically to the wearer. It is designed to cover your forehead and ears and allows the crown of your head to breathe. The lining is quilted cotton backed with wool and an elastic band goes around a decorative button so it's easy to put on and off, or unbutton to accommodate a bun on the top of your head.



Earmuffs are one size. Some prefer a quilted, cotton lining next to their ear rather than the soft fur. Each earmuff is stuffed with 7 grams of Round Barn Farm merino wool. The earmuff frames are either brown or black velvet, depending on the fur.


Custom Pieces

This lined vest features a starburst of skunk in the back and Johnson wool front.

One pillow was crafted from leftover scraps sewn together quilt-block style, the other was the reuse of an old fur coat no longer worn.

The full hat is a favorite of balding men! Its helmet-style with a cotton lining is designed to cover your ears and forehead and is very warm. Cotton is less likely to slip off your head than the traditional silky linings you often find in fur garments. At your special request, a lining can be made out of the ever-popular plastic petroleum-based fleece, but I generally prefer natural fabrics to line the fur leathers.